Our first event was held May 14, 2016, in partnership with Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since Kathy spent her first month after thoracic surgery to remove an intramadullary ependymoma tumor, it seemed the perfect partner to kick-off WalkTalkConnect.
The event was a 5k Fun Walk along the trails of Lake Minnetonka that began and ended at Excelsior Brewing Company in downtown Excelsior. Participants enjoyed live music by TC Ortberg, food catered by Kowalski's Markets and raffle prizes donated by the generous businesses of downtown Excelsior and local artists of Minnesota. We are happy to report we raised $3000 for Courage Kenny through t-shirt sales, raffle sales and direct donations.
We would like to thank Maria Hokanson for sharing her story with us, and for helping spread the word and supporting this event. We look forward to working with her and her family again next year.
Lastly, but importantly, we would like to thank Connie Singer of Connie Singer Photography for lending us her talents behind the lens and capturing the moments of the day. Thank you, Connie, for preserving our memories of such an incredible day!
And we look forward to next year!!